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strong passwords

5 Crucial Security Precautions to take while Working Online

There are a number of security precautions you can take to protect your freelance work from data stealers. You should give it a lot of importance because your living depends on your work. There are some steps you can take to protect your data and your client’s data. Find out more about that in this guide.

Get Paid for Dog Sitting 6 Websites that Pay

Get Paid for Dog Sitting: 6 Websites that Pay

Pet sitting jobs are the new trend these days and for that reason there are some websites and apps where you can apply for such jobs. You can easily earn around $15 to $20 per hour doing dog sitting.

15 websites for Copyright free images

15 Websites for Downloading Copyright Free Images

Stock images can be used for commercial and personal use. Usually these free images come out as generic and not suited for everyone’s taste. In this guide we have listed 15 best websites for copyright free images that are suitable for every taste and occasion. These websites have a wide variety of graphic designs and photos to choose from.

Useful free and paid tools for starting a new website

Useful Free and Paid Tools for starting a New Website

If you’re a beginner at Website design & development and want to start a website from scratch, you can totally do it. There are a good number of online tools available that can help you create your first website. You don’t even need to hire an expert to design graphics and stuff. You can simply drag and drop stuff to build your own graphics. The last thing you need is website hosting. This guide includes some great hosting providers that are easy to setup and cost minimum fees.

How does Payoneer Work

How does Payoneer Work: Beginner’s Guide with Online Jobs List

Payoneer is a globally accepted and recognized payment gateway. It’s very popular in Asian countries where Paypal does not appear to be an easy payment option. Getting started with Payoneer is a very easy and intuitive process. Once you have created your account you can apply for a Payoneer Mastercard to receive your payments anywhere you go.

Avoid Late Freelance Payments

Actionable steps to avoid Late Freelance Payments Once and For All

Timely payments matter a lot in the freelance industry because freelance’s time and schedule are totally dependent on it. If you’re a freelancer you should know how to create clear and concise invoices to avoid problems and unnecessary delays. There are a number of steps you can take as a freelancer to avoid such delays and always get your payment on time.

Free Tools for Online Presentations

8 Free Tools for creating Online Presentations

Online presentations are high in demand because people simply don’t have the time to install software on their PCs anymore. We know how presentations are important in all professional fields. That’s why there are a good number of companies who developed online tools where people can create interactive presentations for free. In this guide you will find 8 free software that allow you to do just that.

Fellowships for International Students

9 Organizations who offer Fellowships for International Students

After graduation some students start looking for jobs and some want to go even further to pursue research work. There are a few organizations in the world who invite students from all countries to visit and participate in fellowships. The students work as fellows and they get paid to do research work. In this guide we have shared renowned organizations who hire fellows from all over the world.