With Substack, online earning through writing has never been more rewarding. Substack is a great platform where writers of all levels can participate and earn money through their writing and newsletters. You don’t have to be a professional writer to get a good following for your content.
If you have content that appeals to your audience, whether it’s stories, personal anecdotes, opinions on politics, or anything else, you can write about it and send your pieces of writing in the form of newsletters to your followers.
Substack is a great place to write for fun as well as earning some side income. The best part is that you can earn directly from your followrs and subscribers. The more followers you have, the more earning you can generate from your content.
What is Substack?
Substack is a subscription platform that provides services such as publishing and creating newsletters. Good news is that creating your newsletters is completely FREE. The platform is targeted at writers and allows them to send out e-mail newsletters to subscribers. This way, writers make money directly from their subscribers. Substack was created by a group of Silicon Valley members, namely, Chris Best, Jairaj Sethi, and Hamish McKenzie.
How it works:
Writers can join Substack for free and they can then send out blog posts, newsletters, or other pieces of writing to their subscribers through email. You can charge a monthly fee for these newsletters or keep them for free. That’s totally up to you. Substack takes in 10% of what the writers earn.
- To get started, go to the website where you can sign up for a free account. CLICK HERE.
- Once the sign-up is complete, you have to set up your Substack account. For that, you can choose a title and URL. These should be similar to avoid any mix-up and confusion. It is also advised to choose a title for your newsletter that is easy to read and remember. Making it a bit catchy will help you in the long run. If you ever need to change your newsletter name and URL, you can go to the settings option of your account and change the name.
- Once you have picked a title, you are required to choose a logo for your writing space. The logo should be a square image of the dimensions 256 x 256 pixels with a transparent background. Choose a logo that is clear and relevant to your title.
- After this step, you will be required to write a short description of your newsletter which will appear to subscribers on your welcome page. This description should not be more than one line. Make sure the description is self-explanatory.
- Once this is done, you can set a theme for your welcome page by going to the settings and changing the colors, background, and a cover photo for it.
- On your about page, you can add in your information and other things you want your subscribers to know. You can add reader testimonials, information regarding your newsletter, photos, and more that allow you to connect with your followers.
- Import your emails list or add emails manually. You can then send newsletters to the emails you added to the account.
- Once your account is ready, you can start writing and editing emails to send out to your subscribers.
Initially, you should keep your account free to generate leads. Once you’ve established some following, you can turn it into a paid subscription newsletter.
Payment Details
Once you have established a good following for your newsletter, you can create a paid subscription plan that will allow you to earn a good side income.
Writers earn through Stripe on Substack. Stripe is a payment platform for which you can sign up on the Stripe website. Once you have registered for Stripe, you can link your account to your Substack account and start earning for your content. However, keep in mind that Stripe is not available in certain countries. If you do not reside in any of those countries, you will not be able to earn through Substack.
Writers earn money depending on number of subscribers they have. For example, if you price your newsletter at $5, then if you have 100 subscribers, you will be able to earn $500 per month. Substack takes 10% of what you earn. Depending on your country of residence, you may have to pay taxes on the income so keep that in mind before you calculate your total. Also, the minimum price of a newsletter has to be $5.
- Easy to use
- No experience required
- You can write on whatever topic you want
- Allows good side income
- You need a good number of followers
- Achieving followers can take a long time
- The minimum subscription fee for a newsletter is $5 which can be a hard price to get for followers
- 10% commission fromy our earnings goes to Substack.
Substack is a great platform to write your thoughts or anything in general and is a great place to start if you’re a newbie writer. It also allows direct income from your followers which can lead to a stable income in the future.
Thanks for writing about Substack, I’ve been meaning to check it out. I didn’t realize it came with newsletter, I thought more like a blog. Very interesting!
I am a writer from Nigeria, and reading the article on Substack got me thinking; thinking that Substack needs to be explored soonest. Eye opener!
Glad it helped you!