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Vocal Media allows you to Write Articles and Get Paid

write articles on vocal media is a social publishing platform for people to make money from their articles. It is a one of a kind platform for content creators allowing them to write articles and get paid in return. Established in 2016, Vocal now has over 75,000 authors and around 300 content pieces are publish daily on average.

Vocal accepts a diverse range of content; from fiction writing to product reviews to poems. Readers can search for any topics available and write about them. The more readers read your content the more rewards you get from Vocal. Still confused? Here’s how to make money by writing content on Vocal.write articles on vocal media


There are three main ways to make money through writing content on Vocal:

  1. Reads

    ‘Reads’ refer to how many times readers have engaged with your content. Vocal rewards its writers on the basis of how many ‘reads’ the content has had. So the more the reads your content gets, the more you are paid for it. That is why its important to write quality content that engages your readers; and to do that writers have to promote their posts via social media, word of mouth etc.

  2. Tips

    Another way to make money from writing is tipping, also called micro-payments. Tipping allows readers to pay a tip to the writers for their content. Writers can conclude their post by asking for a tip e.g:
    Like what you read? Help us write more stories with your support. This is one of the ways writers can ask for a tip politely.

  3. Sales

    Writers can also make money by promoting a product or a service. Simply write a review or good quality content on the product you want to promote, embed that product or video link in your content to urge your readers to buy or watch.

GETTING STARTEDGetting paid on Vocal

Getting started is easy, go to and click on “Become a Creator” or simply join HERE.

Once your have done that, your can simply click Create Story to get started. In the module given you can add your desired title, add any picture or video and start writing. After you have written the content, you can submit it for review.

Vocal’s moderators will get back to you within 24 hours to either publish the content or make edits to it.

Whats great about this platform is that its free to join and writers as young as 13 years old can also submit their content! Cool right?


Vocal payment details

Vocal pays its writers through Stripe. Vocal rewards its writers through CPM (Cost per thousand) reads, however the exact rates aren’t mentioned. The writer can withdraw their amount once it reaches $35. Vocal also allows its readers to tip the writers, this tipping feature requires the readers to directly pay the writers through debit or credit vendors, including Apple Pay, Visa, Master Card and AMEX.

To learn more about check out their FAQ’s page.

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4 thoughts on “Vocal Media allows you to Write Articles and Get Paid”

  1. well this is gonna be interesting, enough where so as that Ive always wondered if the stuff I write is worth anything besides the teacher give it a grade up against 20-30 other classmates. Now its up to the world to let me know what they think of whats in my brain.
    M. Mata

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