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Writing Jobs

Online Writing Jobs

Earn online by writing articles on iWriter

Earn online by writing articles on iWriter provides an opportunity to make money by joining their website as a writer. iWriter is a marketplace where buyers provide assignments and purchase articles while writers do their assignments and get paid in return. iWriter pays through Paypal.

Earn money by writing funny content Cracked

Cracked Guide: Earn Money by Writing Funny Articles

Cracked gives you the opportunity to earn money online by writing funny articles and pieces and publish them on their website. IT is a great opportunity for writers with a good sense of humors because they get paid to entertain people with their writing. Currently they support Paypal only to pay their writers.

Earn online by writing articles on Helium

Helium Review: Earn Money by Writing Articles

Helium allows users to earn money online by writing and publishing articles for them. Writers can do writing work for specific clients and they can also write and publish their own articles to be published on Helium pays its writers through Paypal and does not support any other payment method.